Mpos System

Exclusive, powerful features for your

retail store

MPOS-all in one EPOS solution for your retail store

We have partnered with the leading credit card providers to bring the best rates for credit card payments

Mpos till has been designed to be simple yet powerful, allowing your staff to focus on customers

Mpos is designed to save space at the checkout counter, allowing you more space to display and sell impulse products

Convenience Store Owner Using MPOS System

Serve your customers well with MPOS’s powerful features today

Smart till design

Quicker checkouts

Touchscreen handheld device to control the shop from the floor


Purchase order

In-depth reporting and analysis

Weekly health
check reports

Supplier Data links
with all major wholesalers

What does MPOS consist of?


MPOS Backoffice

Credit/ Debit Card Integration

Sales Checker App

Sign up for better convenience
store operations today

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