Mpos System

Terms and Conditions

These Website terms of use, along with the policies referred to by us here, set out the terms which apply to your use of our website. Please read these website terms carefully so that you understand them. Your agreement to be covered by these website terms operates on your first use of our site. If you don’t agree with our terms, you should stop using our site.

How we define these terms

In this document the expressions shown have these meanings: Content all text, images, audio, video, scripts, code, software, databases and any digital information which is part of our site.


Access to our Site is free. The responsibility to make arrangements to access our site is with you. We will not be liable at any time if our site and its facilities are unavailable for any reason.

IP rights

Our site is copyright and everything related to it is protected by United Kingdom and international intellectual property laws. You can: Access and use our site, download, save, print our site, pages or parts of it. Our status as owners and authors of our site/content must be acknowledged. You have no permission to use our site/content for commercial purposes. Business users can access for viewing general information.


We are happy to have appropriate organisations link to our site provided this is done in a responsible and legal way, does not suggest any business endorsement on our part where no such agreement exists, use our logos or marks without permission, exhibit actions not calculated to damage our reputation or take advantage of it. Embedding is not permitted without permission.

You may not link to our site where content contains obscene, offensive, hateful or inflammatory material, promotes violence, illegal activities, discriminates against any group or persons on the basis of class, race, sex, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age. Threatens, harasses, annoys, alarms, inconveniences, upsets, or embarrasses another person. Is calculated or likely to deceive. Is intended or likely to infringe or threaten another person’s privacy. Impersonates with misleading intention any person or misrepresents the identity or affiliation of any individual calculated to deceive – parodies not being included. Implies business relationships with us which do not exist. Infringes our intellectual property rights. Is in breach of any legal obligation to another party where issues of a contractual or confidential nature are involved. Content restrictions cannot relate to content submitted by users provided that their primary intent is benign.

Links to other sites

Links to other sites may be included on our site. These sites are not under our control so, we cannot accept responsibility for the content of third-party sites. A link to another site on our site is for information only and does not imply endorsement.


Nothing on our site constitutes advice which should be relied on by the individual viewing. It is provided for information only.
Up to the limit permitted by law, we make no statement or guarantee that our site will: Meet your requirements, will not infringe the rights of third parties, will be compatible with all software and hardware, will be secure.
Up to the limit permitted by law, we make no statement or guarantee that our site will: Meet your requirements, will not infringe the rights of third parties, will be compatible with all software and hardware, will be secure.

Our liability

We do not accept liability for loss or damage sustained by any user, in contract, negligence, statutory duty, or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the use of or the inability to use our site or the use of or reliance on any information on our site.

Excluding all representations and guarantees which may apply to our site or content included.

If you are a business using our site, we accept no liability for loss of: Profits, sales, business, revenue, business opportunity, goodwill, reputation, anticipated savings, business interruption or other loss or damage.

We exercise care to make sure our site is free from viruses and malware. We do not accept liability for loss or damage resulting from a virus or malware, a distributed denial of service attack, harmful material, an event which adversely affects your hardware, software, data or other eventualities which occur as a result of your using our site including downloading content from it or any other site referred to on our site.

We do not accept responsibility or liability from any disruption or non-availability of our site resulting from external causes including but not limited to, internet service provider equipment failure, host equipment failure, communications network failure, natural events, acts of war, legal restrictions or censorship.

No point in these terms of use excludes or reduces our liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, for death or personal injury resulting from negligence, or other forms of liability which cannot be excluded or restricted by law. If you are a consumer using our site full details of your legal rights are available from your local Citizens’ Advice Bureau or Trading Standards Office.

Security, viruses, malware

We exercise care to ensure that our site is secure and free from viruses and malware. The user is responsible for protecting their own hardware, software and data from viruses, malware and internet security risks, they must not introduce viruses or other malware, or material which is harmful to our site or via our site to others, must not attempt unauthorized access to areas of our site which are not in the public domain, the server on which our site is stored ,any other server, computer, or database connected to our site. Must not attack our Site by means of a denial of service attack, a distributed denial of service attack, or any other means. Any contravention of the provisions stated above means you will be committing a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. Such breaches will be reported to the relevant law enforcement agencies of whichever state you are resident in and we will cooperate with them disclosing your identity to them. Your right to use our site will cease immediately in the event of such action on your part.

Uses which are acceptable

You must; Use our site only in lawful ways, comply with all local, national or international laws and regulations, not use our site in any way, or for any purpose, that is unlawful or fraudulent;

you must not use our site to upload or transmit data that contains a virus, malware or other code created to negatively affect computer hardware, software, or data, nor use our site in any way that is intended to harm individuals.

We will suspend or terminate your access to our site if you contravene these provisions or of any of the other provisions of this website terms of use. In addition, we may take the following actions;

Issue a written warning; initiate legal proceedings against you for recovery of relevant costs or to indemnify ourselves against results from your actions, take further legal action against you as we, or our legal advisors consider appropriate.

Disclose information to law enforcement agencies as required or as we deem necessary, institute other actions which we deem appropriate and are advised lawful. We exclude all liability arising out of actions (including, but not limited to those set out above) which, we may take in response to breaches of these website terms of use.


Use of our site is also aligned with our privacy policy, our privacy policy is incorporated into this website and its terms of use as a result of our refence to it at this point.

Changes to the website terms of use

We reserve the right to be able to alter these website terms of use at any time. Any such changes we make will be binding on users on their first use of our site after we have carried out the changes. You are advised to visit this page from time to time to update yourself with any new points. In the event of any conflict in the changed version of these website terms of use and any previous version current terms shall prevail and be deemed to be in effect.

Getting in touch with us

Please email us on

Information from us

Through our having your contact details we may over time send you emails. These communications will cover service notices and changes to these website terms of use.

We will not send you marketing messages without your giving consent. You may opt out at any time. If you opt out of receiving emails from us, it will take at least seven business days for us to meet your instruction. So, you may continue to receive messages from us until that is resolved. For information on or complaints about communications from us, please contact us using the details above.

Law and legal jurisdiction

These website terms of use and any relationship between site users and us will be governed by the laws of Scotland.

Consumers will benefit from the provisions of the law in your country of residence. Nothing stated here takes away your rights to rely on those provisions, any dispute, proceedings or claim between you and us relating to these website terms of use, or the relationship between you and us shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Scotland.

For businesses any disputes concerning these website terms of use, the relationship between you and us or matters arising or associated shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Scotland.

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